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  • Writer's pictureBeatrice Benedek

Trustfall - a raw, high-energy, jigsaw-like play created by Jade Harris Tyler and Carly Durrer

A touching performance on Real friendships and one’s True Self unfolding before your eyes.

This 45-min performance written, devised and performed by Carly Durrer and Jade Harris Tyler is like a snapshot, or rather several snapshots in the fast-paced lives of these ladies, focussing on how they conduct themselves outside of their own personal environments, what masks they put on when ‘out there’, and how the walls come down, bit by bit when they decide to show their real selves and courageously accept the real other too.

When I say fast-paced, I mean fast-paced. Energy levels are up there throughout the show, so much so that at times one can feel slightly lost and unsure about where exactly in the play one is. But this is rapidly solved when the performers come into their soliloquy-esque moments, of which are quite a few and therefore also allow the viewers to ‘breathe’ when things get very dynamic.

The challenge with any newly devised play is to get the rhythm, the flow, the character of the performance itself, all coming together seamlessly and smoothly. ‘Trustfall’ manages to deliver some of those sweet spots quite beautifully, sucking you into the mesmerising reality of the performers’ lives. Does it need a bit more work here and there in the dramaturgy of the play - of course, but nothing that can’t be improved fairly easily and quickly. The blessing and strength of a devised two-hander is that it can change organically, develop, transform with each show, the performers having therefore the luxury to take and add whatever they feel like in and with every show. I strongly feel this will be the case with Jade and Carly’s performance too. Having said that, I also wonder how much the show could benefit from conducting some after-show discussions with the audience? I find such practices can not only enhance the understanding of the show per se, but it can also feed into its DNA, strengthen it, offer it another layer of artistic depth.

@ Daniel Mcelroy

One thing that one will definitely take away from the show is COURAGE. The courage to just…be.

The vulnerability that was brought into the performance - which I am sure wasn’t easy to put out there for everyone to hear in the first place - requires masses of courage, openness, and strength. Strength not only during the performance, but also for the ‘aftermath’ - once the REAL-ity of their True Selves is out there and people, strangers and friends alike, will have a choice to either accept or reject it.

Yet, the good thing about theatre is that you can say whatever on stage and the audience could still go away thinking it was all part of the act. And having that kind of reassurance as a performer, that you’re - technically - safe no matter what, can make such intimate moments more poignant.

I am very curious to see how the production’s life will further develop! And if people are looking for a proper raw, honest, and authentic theatre experience ‘Trustfall’ might just be your answer this fringe season.

Catch Carly and Jade during this year's Camden Fringe at the following venues:

The Etcetera Theatre on the 31st July & 1st August at 5pm

Theatro Technis on the 2nd August at 9pm

Hen & Chickens Theatre on the 7th August at 6pm

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